Adventurers Nuuksio Day Trip 7.9.2024
A day trip to Nuuksio National Park
A day trip to Nuuksio National Park
Adventurers´ trip to Nuuksio National Park is for learning new nature and outdoor skills and observe the beautiful Autumn.
We meet at Solvalla national sport institution, Solvallantie 82. on Sat 7th at 10:00. Meeting place is up to hill at parking place. We leave the same place at 13:00.
We use car pooling ie. contact Susanna if you need a ride or you can offer a ride.
Event fee is 10 € and we will send an invoice.
You need for a 2 km hike:
A day back pack
Scout scarf
Outdoor clothes and good waterproof shoes, check the weather forecast
Beanie, gloves etc.
A water bottle (filled) and a mug
A picnic lunch
A knife, a notebook and pencil