Adult Pool 25+ years

A Day trip to Kotkanpesä Jan 18th 

A day trip to Kotkanpesä to practice by skiing or snow shoeing. We start at 10:00 from Espoo and will be back at 15:00. Bring your own snacks and lunch. 

Weather is now too bad or the ice is not thick enough so we are going to Kotkanpesä (Our scout hut at Kirkkonummi)

If you have your own skies or snow shoes, take them with you. Will bring couple on sets to those who has not yet own set.

Gear list:

Register here

Helsinki Outdoor Fair 8.2. 

Possibility to visit the fair as a group. Tickets are 13€ for 10 person group or 19€ per person.
Lets meet at the Main Door of Fair Center at 11:00 on Feb 8th.

Register here!

 A visit to the Finnish Parlament March 5th at 17:30 to 18:30

We have been invited to visit the Parlament by MP and scout leader Inka Hopsu (the Greens).  She will give us a tour in the Parlament House and tell about her MP's work.

The visitor entrance of the Parliament is located on Mannerheimintie, on the right side of the main stairs (A). The easiest way to get to the Parliament is by public transport. The walking distance to the Parliament Building from the Helsinki Railway Station and Kamppi Bus Terminal is less than a kilometre. There are no parking spaces in front of the Parliament Building. 

More information of security check etc. here.

Remember your ID card or passport and put a scout scarf on. Please be in time. We have a precise time for the tour and check in.

Troop events and help needed:

More events you find here.

For new members of the group we have arranged a possibility to visit to weekly meetings and learn more of the troop and it's goals. Please contact Youth Program Leader Susanna to schedule the visits.

Adult Pool

Join us!

You do not have to be a pro in scouting or outdoors. If you are an old scout or a newcomer or you have never been a scout, it doesn't matter. You are welcome in our group. We are a multinational and diverse group. We love outdoor activities and want to learn more of nature. 

You can be just a member of the group. Or if you want, you can also participate on weekly basis in the troops activities or just troop projects. We will train you for your task.

WE Adults group meets once a month. 

Timo Muttonen

Please send email to office(at) if you need more information to join in.  Here is the link to join in.

Scouting is one of the largest volunteer-based movements in the world, with 57 million members, including over 5 million adult volunteers! 

Why are so many people getting involved with Scouts? Scouting gives you so many opportunities to grow personally, professionally and socially. 

Here are 10 ways that volunteering with Scouts will give back to you:

Are you ready to join us and create a better world? You can start locally, nationally or go global! Pick your area of interest and learn more:

We hope this has been helpful and that you'll have a great journey ahead volunteering in Scouting!

Already volunteering? Don't forget to share your experience on Instagram or Twitter to help inspire others! Use the hashtag #Scouts so we can share.